Complate information about PUBG Mobile AIM Assist feature

Due to the growing fan base of PUBG MOBILE, this game has become one of the most played Battle Royal games. PUBG's craze is increasing day by day and its servers are full at all times of the day. PUBG players want to get better in the game and reach the conqureor and that is why they keep using new techniques. Having good AIM is considered very important for getting better in the game. What helps AIM to improve is called AIM Assist.

What is the aim-assist feature in PUBG MOBILE?

AIM Assist is a feature that helps players to perform AIM correctly. This helps players to perform AIM on anime correctly.

Is AIM Assist good for new players?

Each coin has two aspects, AIM Assist helps in performing AIM on enemy's body. This turns the crosshairs themselves towards the enemy when the anime is near him according to the accuracy algorithm. This feature makes the game fun for new players and can make their AIM better.

Minor losses of AIM Assist

This feature only helps players in short range fights and does not work properly if the player is moving. Players can regret using it at a higher level and AIM Assist only guesses the enemy's movement based on the pattern. Your day can get worse when more than one enemy comes around you.

Use of AIM Assist depends on your choice, some players use it, the same do not use.

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